Are you stressed out, anxious, confused and stuck? Does it feel like no matter how hard you try, you can't seem to be happy or content? Are you struggling with self-care and balance with life's demands? Have you tried to solve the problems in your life on your own and realized you need help from someone else? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you’ve taken that first step of reaching out.
We are each on a personal journey, which is filled with challenges and opportunities... seeking balance and harmony with our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual dimensions – the full integration of well-being. We often look for answers, but they do not come as quickly as we want. We become impatient, discouraged, frustrated, angry and stuck. Be patient with the process. Today you are one step closer to a new you were you feel empowered as you walk a positive path towards growth, development and wellness.
"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud
was more painful than the risk it took to blossom."
~Anais Nin
This is not an easy process... but it can be insightful and rewarding. No two individuals are the same and your sessions are specifically tailored to address your unique challenges and needs. Whether you're struggling with anxiety, depression, loss and grief, family caregiving to senior care management, or change and life transitions, it is important that you know you don't have to be alone in this journey... embrace change, celebrate life!
"The magic in new beginnings is truly the most powerful of them all"
~Josiyah Martin
Meet Dr Jody L Friesen Grande 
Dr Grande is a holistic psychotherapist, emphasizing a goal of self-actualization - the process of establishing oneself as a whole person, able to develop one's abilities and to understand oneself. She focuses on the importance of "mindfulness" in everyday living ... awareness of self and surroundings. We need time to remember ... time to sit still and just be ... time to dream ... nourishing our mind, body and spirit, while embracing each moment of the day. You will be provided with a safe place to come ... to ask questions ... to address your concerns. Dr Grande will provide you with a compassionate, caring, nonjudgmental atmosphere in which to find your answers. She will focus on challenging, supporting and guiding you to reach your fulfillment of wholeness, identity, dignity and sense of self!