84 Ways to Shelter in Place
Wondering how to pass the time during this stay-at-home order given by the governor? This is a list of a few things you might consider that also take into consideration physical and social distancing. Perhaps you might challenge yourself to see how many you can complete.
1. Read a book
2. Write a book
3. Write a poem/haiku
4. Memorize some poetry
5. Balance time outside with time in side
6. Pick up litter from around your neighborhood
7. Learn a musical instrument
8. Practice a musical instrument
9. Practice yoga or stretching
10. Practice prayer or meditation
11. Wash the car
12. Wax the car
13. Call an old friend or family member
14. Make a scrapbook
15. Donate/get rid of half of your stuff
16. Make a blood donation
17. Volunteer, if you are able, with meals on Wheels, a local food shelf, or a food bank
18. Go fly a kite
19. Shine your shoe
20. Go birdwatching
21. Plan your next vacation
22. Be more mindful; focus on doing only one thing at a time
23. Start some vegetable/flower seeds
24. Take some photos
25. Bake or cook something that takes a lot of detail
26. Harass old friends on Facebook
27. Clean out and organize your junk drawer
28. Go for a walk … don’t forget the dog
29. Sing or hum a song; doesn’t need to be while in the shower
30. Clean the basement
31. Create a family/friends gathering using Zoom or some other software
32. Work on a jigsaw puzzle
33. Go for a bike ride
34. See how long you can hold your breath
35. Send someone a greeting card or letter
36. Update your computer passwords
37. Organize and delete old emails
38. Avoid climbing the walls by cling the stairs
39. Learn or study a world language
40. Write a letter to your senator/congressperson
41. Clean your stovetop
42. Organize old pictures
43. Take a long warm bath
44. Complete your US Census
45. Clean and lube up your bicycle
46. Learn something new via a TedTalk (ted.com)
47. Write a list of things for which you are grateful
48. Play with your animals ~ furry friends
49. Wash your animals
50. See if you can stay away from your phone longer than you can hold your breath
51. See how long you can stay off your computer, too
52. Take a leisurely drive to a scenic destination, gas is cheap!
53. Do your taxes and file them if you are a refund
54. Give a heartfelt complement to someone
55. Clean your refrigerator
56. Defrost your freezer
57. Go fishing or boating
58. Stay up late and go outside to see how many stars, planets and constellations you can identify
59. Play tennis
60. Plan your landscaping project
61. Create an art project
62. See if you can get that kite you flew out of the tree
63. Paint a room
64. Wash your floors
65. Vacuum your floors
66. Dust your home
67. Delete files and documents you are not using on your computer
68. Delete files you’re not using on your phone: think of photos, videos, etc.
69. Delete more emails
70. See how long you can avoid looking at your retirement fund balance
71. Write a joke, and see if others find it funny
72. Listen to music
73 Watch cat videos on the internet
74. Set some goals for the year ahead
75. Begin or continue writing a diary
76. Start a blog
77. Play solitaire
78. Clean off your desk and organize drawers
79. Go camping
80. Clean your oven
81. Take a long bath
82. Pick up litter outside
83. Plan something special for your children or grandchildren
84. Make time for what matters!
Source: Daniel Johnson | Sun Post | April 9, 2020
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